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来源:admin时间:2020/9/28 10:16:02浏览: /次
报告题目:Chiral hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: from 2.5 D to 3 D
报告时间:2020年9月30日 14:00-15:00
龙官奎,南开大学材料科学与工程学院 特聘研究员,课题组长。2009年本科毕业于兰州大学化学化工学院,保送至南开大学化学学院攻读博士学位,导师为陈永胜教授。随后在天津化学化工协同创新中心 关乃佳教授/陈永胜教授、加拿大多伦多大学E. H. Sargent院士 、新加坡南洋理工大学Weibo Gao副教授和Cesare Soci副教授课题组从事博士后工作。龙官奎博士的研究领域包括新型手性钙钛矿/有机光电材料的合成及其应用研究,高性能有机太阳能电池,功能光电材料中的结构-性能关系研究和理论计算等。龙官奎博士近年来发表论文80余篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者身份发表论文18篇,包括 Nat. Photon.、Nat. Rev. Mater.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Energy Mater. 等国际著名期刊。为国内外10多个课题组提供了理论计算和机理研究方面的支撑,担任《Nano-Micro Letters》编辑部的Assistant Editor (IF=12.264)。
Hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) offer long carrier-diffusion lengths, high absorption coefficients, tunable band gaps and long spin lifetimes. The flexible crystal structure and ionic nature of HOIPs make it possible to allow tuning of their material properties through rational design, including the incorporation of chiral organic ligands. Recently, chiral HOIPs have emerged as promising materials for chiroptoelectronics, spintronics and ferroelectrics. In this talk, I will report our latest advances in chiral HOIPs and investigate the specific benefits of combining chiral organic and inorganic components in perovskites, and I will also discuss demonstrations of chiroptical and spintronic applications, and conclude with our perspective on the future opportunities for chiral HOIPs.
[1] Long, G.;† Sabatini, R.;† Saidaminov, M. I.;† Lakhwani, G.; Rasmita, A.; Liu, X.; Sargent, E. H.;* Gao, W.;* Nat. Rev. Mater. 2020, 5, 423.
[2] Long, G.;† Jiang, C.;† Sabatini, R.;† Yang, Z.; Wei, M.; Quan, L.; Liang, Q.; Askerka, M.; Walters, G.; Gong, X.; Xing, J.; Wen, X.; Quintero-Bermudez, R.; Yuan, H.; Xing, G.; Wang, X.; Song, D.; Voznyy, O.; Hoogland, S.; Gao, W.;* Xiong, Q.;* Sargent, E. H.;* Nat. Photon., 2018, 12, 528-533.
[3] Long, G.;*† Zhou, Y.;† Zhang, M.;† Sabatini, R.; Rasmita, A; Huang, L.; Lakhwani, G.; Gao, W.;* Adv. Mater., 2019, 31, 1807628.
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